Will I Lose Weight From Breast Reduction?

When the size of the breasts become heavy or unmanageable, many patients seek out breast reduction (also called reduction-mammaplasty) to alleviate uncomfortable symptoms and improve ease of mobility. Overly large breasts often cause pain, chafing, skin irritation, shoulder “grooving,” and general discomfort from the sheer weight of the excess breast tissue. Breast reduction is performed to remove the skin, fat, and glandular tissue contributing to a heavy breast size, effectively eliminating these issues and often giving breast reduction patients a new lease on life.

While the procedure gets rid of excess tissue in the breasts, reduction-mammaplasty does not provide meaningful weight loss with regard to body weight or BMI. Depending on the extent of breast reduction necessary to achieve more aesthetic breast contours, surgery only eliminates approximately 1 – 4 pounds. That said, the effects of breast reduction typically provide a significant improvement to your overall appearance. By reducing a dominant breast size, those who feel they may look “top-heavy” generally gain more balanced proportions — which can simulate the appearance of weight loss.

Breast reduction is more so focused on reclaiming more manageable, balanced breast proportions in relation to the rest of the body. If your goal is significant weight loss, our plastic surgeons advise consulting with a bariatric surgeon about your needs. Our Reno practice also performs post-weight loss body contouring procedures to get rid of excess skin following bariatric surgery, allowing patients to gain the confidence of sleeker, smoother, and tighter body contours at the end of their weight loss journey.

Our highly experienced Reno plastic surgeons prioritize strong patient education to help women understand the types of results possible after breast reduction. Contact Reno Tahoe Plastic Surgery today for more information on breast surgery options or if you’re ready to book your consultation.

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