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Can a Tummy Tuck Improve Posture?

While the cosmetic concerns presented by a bulging belly are well-known, the effects of a hanging or protruding abdomen can also extend beyond the aesthetic realm and cause issues that are more physical or physiological in nature. When the stomach bulges outward, patients often experience weakened abdominal muscles along with some combination of stubborn fat and excess skin. Whether caused by pregnancy, weight fluctuation, or the natural effects of aging, weak or separated musculature has been linked to poor posture in certain situations. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), weak abdominal muscles are sometimes associated with lordosis, or “sway back” — a condition characterized by the spine curving inward. While some curving of the spine is normal, those affected by severe lordosis often suffer from posture problems and lower back pain. 

Tummy tuck surgery, or abdominoplasty, is a body contouring treatment designed to remove excess skin, reduce fat, and repair musculature in the abdomen. Since part of a tummy tuck involves tightening these stretched or weakened abdominal muscles, the procedure has been known to provide better support for the spine. Some patients notice their posture improve significantly after abdominoplasty is able to bring stretched abdominal muscles back together. Adjunctively, this enhanced posture can also help alleviate certain types of back pain. The benefits enjoyed by a tummy tuck vary from person to person, and may range from a sleeker body contour to improved general wellness. 

Dr. Tiffany McCormack would be happy to listen to your concerns and talk to you about what a tummy tuck can realistically achieve within the context of your goals. Don’t hesitate to contact McCormack Plastic Surgery for a consultation about your treatment options. 

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